
FastSTM on Youtube

Want to learn more about atomic-scale movies? Check out my recent Outreach talk at a Munich 15x4 event on Youtube


Check out our latest publication on cluster diffusion

FastSTM measurements show how Pd atoms and small clusters diffuse in the moiré cells of a hexagonal boron nitride film on Rh(111). Read the paper published in J. Phys. Chem. C and watch the movies here.


I'm a Young Fellow of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences!

I feel incredibly honored to have been admitted as a member of the Young Academy of such a prestigious instituion and very much enjoy getting to know other young researchers from lots of different fields who work in Bavaria. In our focus group we are currently discussing the consequences of the focus on high profile publications for careers of young researchers. Furthermore, we organize many interesting discussions and presentations. If you'd like to know more, check out the website of the Young Academy.

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